Give a nonrecursive algorithm that performs an inorder tree walk. (Hint: an easy solution uses a stack as an auxiliary data structure. A more complicated, but elegant, solution uses no stack but assumes that we can test two pointers for equality.)
1 s = new stack<integer>
2 output = new list<integer>
3 s.push(TREE.root)
4 while(s.peek.hasLeftChild):
5 stack.push(stack.peek.getLeftChild)
6 while (stack.isNotEmpty):
7 node = stack.pop()
8 output.add(node.value)
9 if (node.hasRightChild):
10 stack.push(node.getRightChild)
11 while(stack.peek.hasLeftChild):
12 stack.push(stack.peek.getLeftChild)
13 return output
Oddly enough, none of the answer sources I rely on seem to have attempted the second algorithm hinted at. What I came up with meets the problem requirements but isn’t what I would describe as ‘elegant’. It makes use of a secondary procedure that validates whether a node has been included in the sorted output by way of structural comparison:
IS-NODE-NOT-IN-OUTPUT(node, output):
1 for (item in output):
2 if (item == node):
3 return false
4 return true
For convenience I construct the output as a list of tree nodes which must then be translated into a list of integers to truly satisfy the ask for an inorder tree walk.
1 node = TREE.min
2 output = new list<treeNode>
3 while (node ≠ NIL):
4 if (node.hasLeftChild and IS-NODE-NOT-IN-OUTPUT(node.getLeftChild, output)):
5 node = node.getLeftChild
6 else if (IS-NODE-NOT-IN-OUTPUT(node, output)):
7 output.add(node)
8 else if (node.hasRightChild and IS-NODE-NOT-IN-OUTPUT(node.getRightChild, output)):
9 node = node.getRightChild
10 else if (node.hasParent and IS-NODE-NOT-IN-OUTPUT(node.getParent, output)):
11 node = node.getParent
12 else:
13 node = NIL
14 return output