Exercise 12.3-5

Suppose that instead of each node \(x\) keeping the attribute \(x.p\), pointing to \(x\)’s parent, it keeps \(x.succ\), pointing to \(x\)’s successor. Give pseudocode for SEARCH, INSERT, and DELETE on a binary search tree \(T\) using this representation. These procedures should operate in time \(O(h)\), where \(h\) is the height of the tree \(T\). (Hint: You may wish to implement a subroutine that returns the parent of a node.)

First we implement the PARENT procedure which will be useful in further procedures.


1  if T.root == x:

2      return NIL

3  y = TREE-MAXIMUM(x).succ

4  if y == NIL:

5      y = T.root

6  else:

7      if y.left == x:

8          return y

9      y = y.left

10 while y.right ≠ x:

11     y = y.right

12 return y

TREE-SEARCH(x, k) does not need to change since it does not use the parent property on any nodes. TREE-INSERT, however, needs to track the predecessor of the node being inserted so its successor value can be properly updated. Othewise the structure of this procedure remains lagely unchanged.


1  y = NIL

2  x = T.root

3  pred = NIL

4  while x ≠ NIL:

5      y = x

6      if z.key < x.key:

7          x = x.left

8      else:

9          pred = x

10         x = x.right

11 if y = = NIL:

12     T.root = z

13     z.succ = NIL

14 else if z.key < y.key:

15     y.left = z

16     z.succ = y

17     if pred ≠ NIL:

18         pred.succ = z

19 else:

20     y.right = z

21     z.succ = y.succ

22     y.succ = z

The helpful TRANSPLANT procuedre needs to be modified since the existing version relives on accessing the parent attribute.


1 p = PARENT(T, u)

2 if p == NIL:

3     T.root = v

4 else if u == p.left

5     p.left = v

6 else:

7     p.right = v

In order to build our DELETE procedure, we need a modified version of TREE-PREDECESSOR (See Excercise 12.2-3).


1  if x.left ≠ NIL:

2      return TREE-MAXIMUM(x.left)

3  y = T.root

4  pred = NIL

5  while y ≠ NIL:

6      if y.key == x.key:

7          break

8      if y.key < x.key:

9          pred = y

10         y = y.right

11     else:

12         y = y.left

13 return pred

We now have all the necessary pieces to construct a version of the DELETE procedure that respects the constaints of this problem.


1  pred = TREE-PREDECESSOR(T, z)

2  pred.succ = z.succ

3  if z.left == NIL:

4      TRANSPLANT(T, z, z.right)

5  else if z.right == NIL:

6      TRANSPLANT(T, z, z.left)

7  else:

8      y = TREE-MINIMUM(z.right)

9      if PARENT(T, y) ≠ z:

10         TRANSPLANT(T, y, y.right)

11         y.right = z.right

12     TRANSPLANT(T, z, y)

13     y.left = z.left

These changes do not increase the procedure’s runtimes by more than a constant factor and therefore they are still all \(O(h)\).