Exercise 12.3-4

Is the operation of deletion “commutative” in the sense that deleting \(x\) and then \(y\) from a binary search tree leaves the same tree as deleting \(y\) and then \(x\)? Argue why it is or give a counterexample.

Deletion is not always commutative. Suppose we are deleting nodes 2 and 1 in both possible orders for the following binary search tree \(T\):

12.3-4 Binary Search Tree Base

Consider deleting nodes \(1\) and \(2\) in ascending order:

12.3-4 Binary Search Tree Order 1

Now consider deleting nodes \(1\) and \(2\) in the alternative order:

12.3-4 Binary Search Tree Order 2

The following LaTeX code was used to generate the above binary search tree \(T\):

  every node/.style = {minimum width = 2em, draw, circle},
  shade/.style = {fill=black!15},
  level/.style = {sibling distance = 20mm/#1}
  \node {2}
  child {node {1}
        child {edge from parent[draw = none]}
        child {edge from parent[draw = none]}}
  child {node {4}
        child {node {3}}
        child {edge from parent[draw = none]}};

The following LaTeX code was used to generate the above pair of binary search trees in order 2:

\tikzset{mynode/.style={inner sep=2pt,fill,outer sep=0,circle}}
\newcommand{\mycaption}[2]{\caption[#1]{\textbar\, \textbf{#1.} #2}}

  every node/.style = {minimum width = 2em, draw, circle},
  shade/.style = {fill=black!15},
  level/.style = {sibling distance = 20mm/#1}
  \node {2}
  child {edge from parent[draw = none]}
  child {node {4}
        child {node {3}}
        child {edge from parent[draw = none]}};
  every node/.style = {minimum width = 2em, draw, circle},
  shade/.style = {fill=black!15},
  level/.style = {sibling distance = 20mm/#1}
  \node {4}
  child {node {3}}
  child {edge from parent[draw = none]};
\captionof{figure}{TREE-DELETE(T, 1) then TREE-DELETE(T, 2)}

The following LaTeX code was used to generate the above pair of binary search trees in order 2:

\tikzset{mynode/.style={inner sep=2pt,fill,outer sep=0,circle}}
\newcommand{\mycaption}[2]{\caption[#1]{\textbar\, \textbf{#1.} #2}}

  every node/.style = {minimum width = 2em, draw, circle},
  shade/.style = {fill=black!15},
  level/.style = {sibling distance = 20mm/#1}
  \node {3}
  child {node {1}
        child {edge from parent[draw = none]}
        child {edge from parent[draw = none]}}
  child {node {4}
        child {edge from parent[draw = none]}
        child {edge from parent[draw = none]}};
  every node/.style = {minimum width = 2em, draw, circle},
  shade/.style = {fill=black!15},
  level/.style = {sibling distance = 20mm/#1}
  \node {3}
  child {edge from parent[draw = none]}
  child {node {4}
        child {edge from parent[draw = none]}
        child {edge from parent[draw = none]}};
\captionof{figure}{TREE-DELETE(T, 2) then TREE-DELETE(T, 1)}